
Our Privacy Policy – Keeping Your Data Safe

At IT Consultant Hub, we are highly committed to protecting your privacy by collecting and saving your data from dark internet crawlers. Our only aim is to collect data for legal terms in a legal way to ensure your experience of using this website. Thus, promising a correct usage of your information with a more personalized view following the terms of law imposed on the company.

Data ITC Collects:

Following the concise obligations of the legal terms and management, this website only collects legal and shareable information with proper backup records. As a part of our data collection management system, we may ask you for the following things to boost your experience while crawling through this website.

  1. Your Name
  2. Mailing Address
  3. Phone Number
  4. Email Address

As an online agency, we’d prefer a proper contract using online platforms like Upwork & Fiver. Therefore, we won’t ask for direct payment methods & verifications. Nevertheless, for direct contracts, we may ask for the following details.

  1. Payment Methods
  2. Payment Details
  3. Invoice Information

Moreover, depending on your IP Address, Browsers, & Operating systems, we may collect different information from your systems. However, all legal rules are followed. The backup & management system will ensure the safety of your information.

Website Cookies:

To personalize your visit to our website, we use cookies to keep track of what services you like & how we can enhance your experience even more. Through your internet server, we store different cookies as small text files. This won’t affect the performance of your devices, you can delete it anytime you like.

Using these cookies, we track how much time you spend on our websites and what pages are performing better under your vision. We collect this information through the following information-collecting policies.

  1. Users are alerted when the website is ready to collect the information.
  2. Data is collected following the user’s law state, plus they’ll always have access to the data.
  3. Using both technical & organizational measures, the company is always responsible for data safety & management.
  4. Without user’s approval, no data is shared by the company even after its departure from the field.

Security – Access & Control To Personal Data:

  1. ITC Hub allows viewing your personal data through the cookie policies.
  2. The default & outdated data is deleted on time.
  3. When consulted through whatsapp, no personal bank details are shared.
  4. The secure connection will be preferred for data collection.
  5. Firewalls & Intrusion detection systems are used to protect the information.
  6. You are allowed to delete the cookies or use incognito mode if you are insecure about the website’s policies.

Changes To Our Policies:

Occasionally, we may update our privacy policy requirements over time. However, you’ll be notified every time through direct emails. For further consultation about our privacy policy, please contact us at ITConsultantHub@gmail.com anytime.


We are a team of experts showcasing our skills online to assist you in developing, handling, & growing your businesses to the next level of success.

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